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asking bot to reevaluate punishments for first time rwt buyers

New member
Oct 20, 2024
I was recently banned for RWT and wanted to preface by saying I’m not here to ask for an unban. I’ve looked at the ban appeals and completely understand your stance on RWT. I’ve accepted the ban and made the decision not to appeal.

I also want to make it clear that I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of RWT. I fully understand why it’s such a concern. From a player’s pov, it's completely unfair and pay to win, and from your perspective as developers, it undermines the integrity of the server while taking your resources and revenue. I also understand that this is a private server, and you have every right to enforce your rules and terms of service as you see fit.

I’ve seen the way you’ve interacted in the eluna discord and you seem like a reasonable and level headed person which is why I thought it might be worth asking your reasoning behind HWID/IP bans for first time RWT buyers. It seems to me there’s a clear distinction between sellers and buyers. Sellers are typically only in it to to make a quick buck and have little connection to the game, which makes HWID/IP bans for them entirely understandable, even on a first offense.

Buyers, however, often have a significant personal investment in the game. They’ve spent time, effort, and resources on their accounts and genuinely care about the server. While their actions still violate the rules, it seems that an account ban might be a more reasonable punishment for first time buyers. In many cases, these players would likely return to the server, start fresh, and reinvest both time and their money through donations.

To be clear, I’m only referring to first time buyers, not repeat offenders or sellers. I understand the need to maintain consistency in enforcing rules, but I thought there might be an opportunity to approach these specific cases differently. An account ban still enforces the rules and delivers consequences while leaving the door open for these players to come back.
Active member
Oct 30, 2023
While I agree that buyers who want to come back have a big hurdle to do so, it is still not true that banning the account suffices.

Banning the account can be said to be close to no punishment if it is a new account. A player can repeatedly rwt on 10 different accounts and see which ones proceed to avoid the punishment system. While I have faith in bot's detection systems to a degree, no system is 100% and there will be some that slips through the cracks.

As you can see, one errant player buying accounts, rwt-ing and allowed to repeatedly do so on 1 hwid can already cause extra work for the devs. I see no reason a player would not repeatedly try illegal ways considering starting from 0 and using real donations is way more expensive.

With the deterrent of the hwid ban, a player who gets caught is seriously punished and has to buy a new pc (need to be good pc or will lag too) to play Eluna again. This harsh punishment will strongly deter repeat offenders.

I could see a 6 month hwid instead of a perma hwid ban being imposed as a viable alternative, but again, that is up to the devs, and there is honestly no good reason for the devs to be lenient vs rwt.

Rwt is very bad not because of P2w, but because you are directly stealing money from the server.
New member
Oct 20, 2024
While I agree that buyers who want to come back have a big hurdle to do so, it is still not true that banning the account suffices.

Banning the account can be said to be close to no punishment if it is a new account. A player can repeatedly rwt on 10 different accounts and see which ones proceed to avoid the punishment system. While I have faith in bot's detection systems to a degree, no system is 100% and there will be some that slips through the cracks.

As you can see, one errant player buying accounts, rwt-ing and allowed to repeatedly do so on 1 hwid can already cause extra work for the devs. I see no reason a player would not repeatedly try illegal ways considering starting from 0 and using real donations is way more expensive.

With the deterrent of the hwid ban, a player who gets caught is seriously punished and has to buy a new pc (need to be good pc or will lag too) to play Eluna again. This harsh punishment will strongly deter repeat offenders.

I could see a 6 month hwid instead of a perma hwid ban being imposed as a viable alternative, but again, that is up to the devs, and there is honestly no good reason for the devs to be lenient vs rwt.

Rwt is very bad not because of P2w, but because you are directly stealing money from the server.
fair enough, i completely understand why rwt is so frowned upon and should be absoutely not allowed. especially in the context of a private server it's stealing money from essentially a small business. i want to make it clear that i'm not at all trying to justify rwt.

with that being said, what i'm suggesting is a strike system where a first time buyer would get an account ban and if they were to attempt to rwt again, in that instance a hwid ban is 100% justified. im under the impression that bot already has some multi account detection under place if people were to make multiple accounts.

i understand that bot is under no obligation to even listen, but i thought it was worth the discussion.