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Update Update Log - 05/12/24

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Eluna Team
Aug 3, 2023
Hey everyone, we know there's been a bit of a delay between updates due to us taking this time to work on the backend codebase that players don't really get to see. We've been unable to work on these things since launch due to the work we had to focus on such as adding new content or fixing current reported issues.
We should be able to get back to regular updates and you may see more updates with smaller update logs instead of less frequent and larger updates.

We'd like to also thank everyone who participated in Lab World Season 2 - We hope it was a fun time! All rewards from the Lab World will be claimable when you log in next via the gift box. Jett can now be created in the character creation screen if you reached Lv. 250 on your Jett in the Lab World.

A new Hyper Burning season has also started so all existing characters that had an active Hyper Burn will no longer be considered a Burning Character. You may burn a new or existing character for the duration of this season.

Content Additions & Adjustments​

  • Jett is now playable for anyone who reached Lv. 250 Jett in Lab World Season 2
    • There is an ongoing issue with the Link Skill, it will be fixed in the near future
    • Jett can be added to your Legion Board for some Critical Damage
  • A Hyper Burning Season has been started
    • If you wish to burn a second character in the same season, you will be required to delete your existing Hyper Burning Character
      • All rewards can only be claimed one time per season, regardless of how many characters you delete
  • Hyper Preset Swap cost has been reduced from 2,000,000 to 0
    • The blue pop up notice will still show the 2,000,000 requirement but you will not lose any money.
    • This notice will disappear when we update to Dreamer in the future.

Item Additions & Adjustments​

  • The following items can now have Platinum Karma of Scissors Applied
    • Cursed Red Spellbook
      Cursed Blue Spellbook
      Cursed Green Spellbook
      Cursed Yellow Spellbook
      Mitra's Rage: Warrior
      Mitra's Rage: Bowman
      Mitra's Rage: Magician
      Mitra's Rage: Thief
      Mitra's Rage: Pirate
      Gold Maple Leaf Emblem
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Aran)
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Luminous)
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Evan)
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Mercedes)
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Phantom)
      Gold Heroes Emblem (Shade)
      Gold Agent Emblem
      Gold Crystal Emblem
      Gold Abyssal Emblem
      Angel Emblem
      Dragon Emblem
      Hybrid Heart
      Gold Three Paths Emblem
      Gold Knight's Emblem
      Gold Hitman Emblem
      Gold Earthseer Emblem
      Gold Chaser Emblem
      Gold Resistance Emblem
      Gold Demon Emblem
      Gold Cygnus Emblem
      Eternal Time Emblem
      Gold Kinesis Emblem
      Gold Crescent Emblem
      Gold Blossom Emblem
      Gold Forest Emblem
  • Added Star Force 22-Star Checkpoint Scroll 50% (Lv. 200+ Equipment)
    • This can be obtained from Chaos Kalos, Extreme Black Mage, or Extreme Seren
    • When the scroll succeeds on an equip, that equip can no longer drop below 22 stars
    • This scroll can only be used on equipment that is Lv. 200 or higher
      • In the future, more scrolls will be released that work on lower leveled equipment
    • There is currently no visual on the equip (coming soon)
      • You can confirm an equip has a checkpoint by viewing the Star Force UI at 22-Star by seeing Failure (Stay) Chance
    • Success, Keep, and Destruction rates are modified at the star with a checkpoint
  • Added Star Force 23-Star Checkpoint Scroll 50% (Lv. 200+ Equipment)
    • This can be obtained from Hard Kaling, Extreme Kalos, or Extreme Kaling (All coming soon)
    • When the scroll succeeds on an equip, that equip can no longer drop below 23 stars
    • This scroll can only be used on equipment that is Lv. 200 or higher
      • In the future, more scrolls will be released that work on lower leveled equipment
    • There is currently no visual on the equip (coming soon)
      • You can confirm an equip has a checkpoint by viewing the Star Force UI at 23-Star by seeing Failure (Stay) Chance
    • Success, Keep, and Destruction rates are modified at the star with a checkpoint
  • Added Hilla Android to Hard Hilla
  • Added Magnus Android to Hard Magnus
  • Added Lotusroid to Hard Lotus
  • Added Willroid to Hard Will
  • Added Verus Hillaroid to Hard Verus Hilla

Skill Fixes​

  • Fixed Ring of Restraint area being removed if a party member left the area
  • Fixed Khali's Hex: Sandstorm not resonating Chakri's for multiple stages of the skill
  • Fixed Khali's Death Blossom not spawning the proper amount of Chakri's when Resonate: Ultimatum is active
  • Fixed Khali's Void Blitz not allowing players to use certain skills while the Dark Sight buff is active
  • Fixed Khali's Arts skill not proccing Chakram when cancelled with a Void skill
  • Fixed Night Walker's Dark Sight cancelling on some more skills it shouldn't
  • Fixed Kain's Hexa Poison Needle setting cooldown on attack instead only initial skill use
  • Fixed Blaster's Cannon Overdrive not removing existing Overheat

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed linked item/achievement whispers
  • Fixed Dojo Training Grounds Authentic Force not being able to increase past 200
  • Fixed consumable buffs not overwriting the existing buff when used and having less duration
  • Fixed skills that require item consume not working if the item was inside a bag
  • Fixed chairs in a bag not updating active state
  • Fixed the one occult cube that should work on unique potential
  • Fixed some cube extraction issues
  • Fixed profession crafting not correctly handling weighted probability for the resulting item
  • Fixed items with more than 5 scissor count not setting itself to 5
  • Fixed Star Planet Unit Damage Skin showing as non-unit
  • Fixed Hyper Burning notifier icon not showing up
    • You no longer have to use the quest to pull up the UI, the burning emblem is now visible
  • Fixed Legion Lab Block resetting position after migration
  • Fixed harvesting not increasing fatigue by 1

Final Notes​

Would you as a player like to see anything specific added to the game? Is there a certain piece of content you'd like to see? Do you have a rough idea of something that is starting to take shape? We'd like to encourage players to make a post at the Suggestion Forum as we are focused on bringing new content to you over the next few updates. We will continue to look over the suggestions and see what we can add or change to make the game better for everyone!
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