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Hello everyone, we would like to explain the long duration between our last update and now. As we have been working on some of the recent game versions, older code has constantly had to be refactored due to old design choices and the implementation of new more complex systems into the game. We have been rebuilding our infrastructure and various other pieces of the backend codebase to make future updates more efficient. This has been an ongoing effort dating back to previous updates and is reaching its completion.
As of the time this update goes live, we will be shifting our full attention towards updating the game to v256. This will be Eluna's 3rd major game update and we plan on bringing the missing content we have not finished yet as well as the new content in the version jump. This includes Lynn, High Mountain, Lotus Revamp, Limbo, Buff Organizer, Maple Scheduler, and more. We will be posting in the #development channel to allow everyone to follow along on our progress.
These update notes will be added to between now and the update completion, so keep your eye out for any edits including new additions.
As of the time this update goes live, we will be shifting our full attention towards updating the game to v256. This will be Eluna's 3rd major game update and we plan on bringing the missing content we have not finished yet as well as the new content in the version jump. This includes Lynn, High Mountain, Lotus Revamp, Limbo, Buff Organizer, Maple Scheduler, and more. We will be posting in the #development channel to allow everyone to follow along on our progress.
These update notes will be added to between now and the update completion, so keep your eye out for any edits including new additions.
- Lab World Season 3
- You may view the details about the Lab World Event HERE
- Holiday Events
- All remaining holiday events will start at the completion of this update and all details can be viewed HERE
- The Christmas Tree in Eluna Home Town has had more presents put under it, go turn in more items for more rewards!
Hyper Burning
- A new Hyper Burning Season will begin at the conclusion of this update.
- Hyper Burning will result in 1+2 levels each time you level up until you reach Lv. 260.
- You may hyper burn an existing character below Lv. 258 or a new character.
- You can claim rewards at level 11 and then again at level 200 and every 5 levels after until you reach Lv. 260.
- If you burn an existing character, that character will not receive any rewards below their existing level.
- Exception: Lv. 11 - 199 rewards are available at all times
- If you burn an existing character, that character will not receive any rewards below their existing level.
- You may only have oneHyper Burning character on your account at a time.
- If you wish to create a new Hyper Burning character in the same season, you may delete your existing one in order to create a new one and reclaim any rewards.
Content Addition & Adjustment
- [NEW] Extreme Will
- A new mode has been added to the Boss Will. Bring your party and attempt to conquer this boss with new mechanics in order to receive great rewards
- Extreme Will shares its cooldown with all other weekly modes
- Extreme Will is available to fight as of the weekly reset on Jan 2
- [NEW] Special Potential Scroll & Special Bonus Potential Scroll
- There are 4 new scrolls added to the game and acquired by boss drops. These scrolls will only work on the designated equipment and are tradeable.
- Special Potential Scroll (Genesis Badge) - Extreme Black Mage & Extreme Seren
- Special Bonus Potential Scroll (Genesis Badge) - Extreme Black Mage & Chaos Kalos
- Special Potential Scroll (Cursed Spellbook) - Extreme Will & Hard Kaling
- Special Bonus Potential Scroll (Cursed Spellbook) - Extreme Will & Extreme Kalos
- There are 4 new scrolls added to the game and acquired by boss drops. These scrolls will only work on the designated equipment and are tradeable.
- Reward Dungeon
- All dungeon modes have had their rewards and hp modified as well as EXP has been added to every run
- [NEW] Challenge Mode (Min Lv. 300)
- A new mode to Reward Dungeon has been added with more difficult mobs that give out greater rewards
- Legion Coin Shop
- All Legion buff coupons have had their maximum purchase limit increased from 40 to 60 per week
- All Karma Flames have had their maximum purchase limit increased from 40 to 60 per week.
- Items
- [NEW] Return Scroll Coupon
- Use this coupon to claim 1 Return Scroll - this will be dropped from bosses (Tradeable)
- Legendary Potential Scroll 100% (Account-bound) max slot count increased to 100
- Christmas Decoration max slot count increased to 9000
- Christmas Tree Decoration max slot count increased to 9000
- Stuffed Christmas Stocking max slot count increased to 9000
- Christmas Present max slot count increased to 1000
- [NEW] Return Scroll Coupon
- Boss Crystals
- Weekly sale limit has been increased from 250 to 300. (This will take effect on Jan 2 weekly reset)
- Donation Shop
- [NEW] Premium Coloring Prism has been added
- [NEW] Prism Color Restore has been added
Boss Fixes
- Fixed Hard & Extreme Kaling HP being too high
- Fixed Kaling Phase 1 Qionqi test being delayed by bind duration
- Fixed Kaling Phase 1 Hondon frenzy being delayed by bind duration
- Fixed Kaling Phase 1 Taowu temporary skill not sharing cooldown with entire party
- Fixed Kaling Phase 2 Confinement not reducing will power or confining the user
- Fixed Kaling Phase 2 temporary skill not sharing cooldown with entire party
- Fixed Kaling Phase 2 temporary skill not removing bomb from entire party
- Fixed Kaling Phase 3 temporary skill not sharing cooldown with entire party
- Fixed Kaling Phase 3 damage being too much when Kaling is not inside your zone
- Fixed Extreme Kalos using non-extreme mode full map attack
- Fixed Extreme Kalos using full map attack each time you reached 3 or 4 watchers active
- Fixed Extreme Kalos full map attack dealing zero damage
- Fixed Kalos Phase 2 watcher and full map attack timers becoming incorrect if failing a test
- Fixed Kalos Phase 2 orb not randomizing position
- Fixed Will Phase 1 not being correctly targetted by certain attack types
- Fixed Will Phase 1 not doing test at interval
- Fixed Will Phase 1 boss being able to attack if you started a new test while will was groggy
- Fixed Will Phase 2 boss being able to attack if you started a new test while will was groggy
- Fixed Seren allowing heal while gauged
- Fixed Seren Phase 2 mobs being removed when test starts instead of a few seconds prior
- Fixed Seren Phase 2 test safe spot being able to choose far left or far right
- Fixed desync issues in multiple bosses that utilize combo-type attacks
- Fixed bosses being able to use skills immediately after spawning instead of a few second delay
Skill Fixes
- Fixed Angelic Buster's Sparkle Burst not providing invincibility when the buff expired
- Fixed Wind Archer's Trifling Wind not prioritizing boss with most hp
- Fixed Fire Mage's Poison Chain
- Fixed Xenon's Photon Ray
- Fixed Xenon's HEXA Hypogram Field's not having a cooldown
- Fixed Xenon's HEXA Hypogram Field's not having a buff icon to display the skills duration
- Fixed Xenon's Hypogram Fusion
- Fixed Xenon's HEXA Triangulation proccing too many attacks
- Fixed Xenon's Core Overload consuming extra mp at each skill usage
- Fixed Kanna's Spirit Domain smetimes not applying buff
- Fixed Thunder Breaker Thunderbolt not spawning sea wave
- Fixed Aran's combo resetting during origin
- Fixed Bowmaster's HEXA Arrow Stream action command
- Fixed Cadena's Thrash not removing dark sight
- Fixed Cadena's Maelstorm not slowing mobs
- Fixed Kinesis HEXA Psychic Grab not giving double the PP when a player has the hyper skill
- Fixed Ice Lightning's Thunder Sphere skill lock
- Fixed Demon Avenger's Requiem healing when it shouldn't
- Fixed Shadower's Trickblade not providing invincibility
- Fixed Mercedes Unfading Glory not transferring across fields
- Fixed Wild Hunter's Jaguar Storm not staying summoned when transferring fields
- Fixed Hayato's Quick Draw giving an incorrect amount of boss damage
- Fixed Hayato's Quick Draw not dealing damage to enemies around your character
- Fixed Shade's Spirit Affinity not being visible
- Fixed Bishop's Dispel not removing multiple debuffs that it should
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Mysterious Bloom Power Pet Skill being invisible
- Fixed multiple issues with pet set effects not correctly applying
- Fixed modern resolutions not correctly being supported for determining the amount of data in the map to send to you
- This fixes things such as summons not attacking in big maps while far away, mobs, npcs, or players incorrectly appearing/disappearing
- Fixed medal reissue applying time limited stats
- Fixed Guild Alliance
- Any existing alliance from before the feature broke still exist and will be there when you get in game
- Fixed max level Arcane Symbols getting consumed when merging multiple symbols
- Fixed HEXA Stat breaking once you get level 10 main stat
- Fixes item titles expiring instead of only the stats expiring
- Fixed some issues with mob generation and capacity
- Fixed items in bags not being removed upon expiration
- Fixed Pet Exception Search & Premium Fusion Anvil Search
- Fixed excl locking issues if you changed map while your pet was looting an item
- Fixed Coloring Prism not showing the changes to 3rd person
- Fixed certain mobs being able to become elite mob when they shouldn't
- Fixed Auction House not allowing you to use over 20 slot while mvp
- Custom TItle
- Any player who purchased a Custom Title from Dreaming Lachelein Season 1 has a new one in their gift box
- Sol Janus
- The formula that determines the cost of Sol Erda & Sol Erda Fragment has been incorrect and charging too little
- All players have had their Sol Janus level reduced to the correct level based on existing expenditure
- Any player that over-spent for their newly calculated level has had the correct amount refunded in their gift box
- Dreaming Lachelein Season 1
- Any player who claimed Symbol Selector Coupon x2 and only received x1 will have a new one in their gift box
- Beast Tamers
- The very small few of you who actually main a Beast Tamer and are waiting for Lynn, if you want to swap to another magician class contact me on Discord after the update is completed.